Are you afraid?
Do I intimidate you?
What is it?
You never know, you may be missing out on the chance to be with a real woman. A woman that would love you, hold you and do anything to your body that you want her to. A woman that will cook for you, clean for you.. A woman that will do things for you that most women are ashamed to talk about.
You never know and you never will if you don't approach me.
You have to know that I am watching you watch me so that should tell you that I am interested.
I have not made a move because that is not what I do. I don't hunt, I am hunted.
So, mysterious man show me what you are made of and you won't have to watch me any more.
sometimes it's okay 2 switch roles for a second and do the hunting so that u 2 don't miss the opportunity to do all of those things u say. Good Read!
Closed mouths never get fed!
you *always* say what's on my mind. it's sick. and ily for it!!
I should be shot, for just figuring out that you had a blog twitter fam...lol...but i'm following and i even still blog from time 2 time myself...
it often boggles my mind when i think about the chances with women that i was hesitant to let know how i felt, but then i think about the ones that i did let know and sometimes think on how i maybe should have kept it copacetic due to our friendships not being the same or lost.
Too cool and so real.
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