Sunday, July 4

The Question Is, Why Dont You?

Perhaps its because when I was in psychology class and the teacher asked what makes your brain tick and I replied hands. The reply stirred every ones brains. Massaging and awakening the senses to poetic and deeper meaning. Thoughts normal minds couldn't create or picture if it weren't for a hazy muse..

Likely my reasoning was altered when he threw me to the bowels of pain and took the pieces of my heart with him. Slow songs didn't bother me and "Our" songs became just mine again. The original CD player spinning One album at a time and I was content with just my mix playing..

Maybe its because when E. Badu told me to Bump It and I turned the volume up to 45 I felt my voice singing her words, my movements enticing the crowd, my actions interacting with my fans, my heart beating with the sound. In that moment I was unknown mainstream and the feeling felt great even alone..

Of course it could be because the night we got lost in a city we knew, I didn't mind. Going in circles, enter twining brain waves, and matching laughter took the hands of clocks and we rode in our own timeless moments. None of it intentional just how green sixtuplets made siblings out of us..

Perchance its how I, Lucky, Captain Crunch, Tony The Tiger, Trix, Snap, Crackle, and Pop all become best friends. Milk being the drug of our choice and it heavenly filled our bowls. Our bond was hunger and were out to get full together..

Possibly it was when those lips touched my lips and caused my hips to dip and contract my back in tension that felt so electric I felt a explosion in my loins. Causing breathlessness like a compound sentence with no comma, seemingly endless no period..

what can i say?

it just feels good to Fade.



RavynRae said...

I must admit==>I'm quite tempted now...lmao Seriously though...:)

Don said...

"A Queen who doesn't need a King to rule her world."

Yep. That's Lola Green.

I agree - the wrong question is being asked. I feel you. Don't ask me why do you?, ask yourself why don't I?
