Friday, November 20

One Lie After Another .

  • " I Don't Suck Dick . "

if i had a dollar for every time i heard this line i would be one rich motha. the number of women that lie about this subject is too outrageous to not feel compelled to say "girl quit lying !" or at the least think your own personal thought or two. i understand that it is a personal subject but some of you females suck so much dick yal should walk around on your knees ! its okay if you do or don't, but why lie? when did pleasing our partners become this shameful act that people are afraid to admit and talk about. its not IF you do, its who you do it with that matters. you cant do the damn thing with everybody because not everybody is safe and clean ! And what you wont do, another woman will. Remember that.

  • " Ive Only Slept With 6 People . "

i have never came across a woman that didn't like sex. weather it was intercourse, anal. or oral she partook in it and enjoyed it. what person doesn't? its like music, its universal, but unlike music woman are not lying about how many different artists they listen to but instead how many people they have done "the do" with. i don't have anything jaw dropping to say about this topic because i understand that by being a women we are looked at differently from men when the number of partners we have had exceed a certain number. its not right to lie but what is a woman to do when most men will quickly be disgusted and quicker disregard her of being anything worth giving respect and time to. personally i say SCREW EM ! dont be ashamed because you like to get it in. hell, if men where on their jobs in that department we wouldnt feel the need to change partners. hmph!

  • " Like My Bag ? "

you feel the need to validate the person you are and you are rocking a fake Louie, Gucci, or Coach. who do you think you are fooling? what woman does not follow fashion and can spot one quicker than a broke man. you feel completely self conscious while out flaunting it and as soon as you see someone with a possible real one, you just want to hide under a rock and go back to when you stuffed all your personals into that bag. why put yourself through the torture? save up for the real bag and DON'T lie when people ask. havent we not learned anything from Sex and The City?

  • " I Don't Wear Makeup ."

sure you don't. and as soon as i get close enough to you i see pressed powder and foundation marks. i don't knock makeup. i love it ! but women, yal need to quit talking about i don't wear makeup and this is natural when you know you a natural lie. threes not many people in this world that don't wear makeup weather it varies from a little to alot. even the most beautiful women on television wear makeup and A LOT more than we all would have thought. makeup isn't intended to be something we hide behind but to give us a confidence boost, to enhance what we already have, and to give us what we all love : choices.

  • " I'm 21 " When Im Really 26 .

i was young, well younger once upon a time and their is always that one guy that is older than you. you don't think he notices you so you lie about your age so he will take you more serious. lol kids. and now as we age their tends to be a younger guy you want to take you serious and you lie about being younger. woah ! what the fizzle ! i have seen both being done and it makes me wonder, why ? we age ourselves to be younger or older and most of the time we end up being called liars when found out and alone in the end because the jerk wasn't even worth the initial lie. we should feel comfortable at whatever age we are and it should not be a problem because feelings don't have a age limit. men want the "PYT" but later complain about the lack of maturity. then they want the "older woman" but very rarely know what to do with her or how to survive in a more mature relationship, so screw them ! they cant even decide what they want.

  • " My Hair Is Real . "

i don't know what it is about weaves but females become big time liars when they get them. they flaunt em like they grew the shit themselves and didn't just go to the local beauty supply store and have a home girl sew it in. some weaves do be nice, no lie. Ive never had one but they can transform a person and give a woman confidence which is always beautiful, but when you come in contact with those one brawds that just feel like you cant tell them shit because they know they look good, it makes me want to shake the glue, thread, or whatever else they have in their heads out of em. you just had a short brown bob the other day and now you walking around acting like you Naomi Campbell with long luxurious locks. who are you fooling? i ain't hating, I'm mixed with good hair, just don't be making yourself look stupid when everybody and their mamas can see "that ain't you".

  • " That's Just My Friend . "

yal kill me when yal say these words and i just saw you the other night hugging all up on your so called "friend". its not impossible to have male platonic friendships but if that's what you are claiming, then at least be telling the truth. you bring him around saying hes just your friend, trying to hook him up with another friend, and later that night tieing up his phone line and playing "overprotective" when another female is making a move. either make it official or do it wiggling because sooner or later you are going to have to face the light. something happens to the "arrangement" and yal quit hanging so tough, itll only be obvious yal "broke up."

  • " Im A Size 6 ? "

all i am going to say is "Wear proper fitting clothes" . everything that looks good on "barbie" isn't going to look good on you girl ! everybody is different and have different body types. you have bigger stomach - get a bigger shirt ! you have a bigger butt - get some bigger pants ! why must you walk around looking like a pregnant Mexican ! get it together because the shit is NOT cute and nobody wants someone looking all sloppy and bloated.

any who, that's just some of the things that women lie about that bother me. feel free to quit following me now. ( :

pennanddpaperr .


Chay Chay said...

girl, you crack me UP!
And I'mma be real...if you not "doin' the do" with your man, as far as pleasing him, you need to get on it, cause what you WON'T to, another woman will, SAY THAT!

And I have NO problem carrying a fake Louis or Gucci, or whatever, and I WILL tell it, just to be like, "And it STILL looks good, and I only paid $100!" LoL!

Robyn Latice said...

Lmao! This is too funny to me!
Agreed on the dick sucking thing. I get where women come from on hiding their partners as well...but I'm gone be real with mine to, either you accept me or you dont. Dont have time to put on a mask to please nobody. Lol @ My hair is real. I just recently start wearing extentions when i cut my hair..but I never claim its mine. I'll say its a weave in a minute. i hate when guys ask girls " Is this your hair?" and the blantly lie about it. " Yea, this is all mine." Bullshit! lol, hella funny!