Fine Arts. of or pertaining to the shapes or forms in a work of art that are of irregular contour and seem to resemble or suggest forms found in nature.
sorry peeps but the definition above does not describe my feelings for the new Young Money artist Drake. while he has a undeniable talent for putting his words together quite nicely he just doesn't whip me into a frenzy like most. don't take what i am saying as hating because I AM NOT but i don't run to my computer every time a new Drake song comes out to download it nor do i listen to a song strictly for his verse. i most definitely give him his props for dropping one hell of a mix tape -crowd goes crazy- and having "Thats my jam !" singles because i was no no doubt slapping it in my car, BUT until he drops a better OR equally impressive album you wont hear me saying "Drake is my favorite rapper."
( this could change in the future. )
and after saying that,
fuck the physical attachments; the sex cant be that good and the nigga that fine. fuck the emotional attachments; love isn't suppose to hurt. and SUPER fuck that nigga for even thinking hes of any other sex besides BITCH because REAL MEN dont hit women.