* from a complex intellectual whose blog you follow ( :
(i dont always talk about nonsense lol)
The writings on the wall hold all the evidence,our ancestors were God's and Our women were Goddesses, The rest of the world know's the truth and acknowledge it, except for the kings that act like niggaz in ignorance ,no diligence our Queens are called bitches but embrace the
hate, and reject the correct teachings of the masters, but if the God's are niggaz why wouldn't the woman be bitches because MAAT isn't practiced ,so what's left is disaster that strikes the innocent of descendents who were kings and queens, and rightful custodian's of the Earth who were charged to keep IT clean, IT being the spiritual and physical and Universe, combining of the two to create an individual, who's viewed as a God from a reversed state of being, we have stooped so low to our present state of pleading, for jobs equal benefits, and air just to breath, smoke weed and abuse alcohol our mind we're never freeing, but freezing the growth of a righteous Form of Unity, that would truly bring back rightful forms of democracy, hypocrisy is practiced because no one even checks it, but the ancients kept a healthy surviving record of there message, so pop those books open, Act and stop hoping, because faith without works is dead and even the scripture teaches that, your so drained of your intellect you hate black and everything associated with the name, so you claim yourAmerican in fact, you've never been American you don't understand, you have no privileges like a European White Man, so you stand for nothing at all and fall short,because you stand alone, where Unity isn't involved the root of the movement is dethroned, so thank the Creator for making you strong, but the strength is within so what is taking so long, get back to where you Belong .

the first thing that caught my eye and provoked me to comment , is the mentioning of MAAT . . . a principle not many understand , let alone live by . . .
so i continue to provoke higher thought , ( and random rambling , haha . ) . . . iono how you found my blog but i'm gad you did , it lead me to yours !
This is really deep woman. your a great writer. I like the way you think :)
Im digging your blog...come check mine out and follow me...
its so intellectual . so deep . i definitely enjoyed reading it . your talented .
thank you, i love ur blog, you got style! bravo! very positive, love it really!
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