Fine Arts. of or pertaining to the shapes or forms in a work of art that are of irregular contour and seem to resemble or suggest forms found in nature.
sorry peeps but the definition above does not describe my feelings for the new Young Money artist Drake. while he has a undeniable talent for putting his words together quite nicely he just doesn't whip me into a frenzy like most. don't take what i am saying as hating because I AM NOT but i don't run to my computer every time a new Drake song comes out to download it nor do i listen to a song strictly for his verse. i most definitely give him his props for dropping one hell of a mix tape -crowd goes crazy- and having "Thats my jam !" singles because i was no no doubt slapping it in my car, BUT until he drops a better OR equally impressive album you wont hear me saying "Drake is my favorite rapper."
( this could change in the future. )
and after saying that,
fuck the physical attachments; the sex cant be that good and the nigga that fine. fuck the emotional attachments; love isn't suppose to hurt. and SUPER fuck that nigga for even thinking hes of any other sex besides BITCH because REAL MEN dont hit women.
woah ! what the hell was Beyonce thinking in this video ?! most artists don't have much say in the things they wear or do in their videos but Beyonce is a mega star and this was just ..smh. "speak up nigga !" i of course have read a couple hundred opinions about the performances of both Beyonce and Lady Gaga in this video and you know what, I don't give a damn because my opinion is the only one that matters. nah just kidding. YOU guys opinions too ! ( :
umm where was i going with this ? ... oh yea !
this video was awful. just garbage in my opinion. sure it had the two biggest stars in music in the same video but it just didnt do nothing for me. i didnt even want to snap my fingers to it because i was really looking at Beyonce like "what the hell are you doing ? " I'm glad to see Beyonce has got her weight back up though. for a minute she was looking as though she was going to disappear. (MTV Awards/Jay-Z The Blueprint III concert on Fuse) from the beginning i was completely lost and could easily see that the video was going to have nothing to do with the song, let alone Beyonces little "outfits." I'm not sure where they were going with the little things they were doing and playing with but it was a hot ass mess. i do like the song though. DIGG Lady Gaga but not exactly a fan of her being on the remix. shes artistic and a good artist in her own right and i applaud her effort to step outside the box. her lyrical content and vocal styling wasnt as bad as i assumed it wouldve been on a R&B track either. i have listened to the Telephone song they have out and hm, its another controversial subject of like and dislike. big ups to both ladies coming together and shaking up the scene a bit, but im just not sold.
" Can we get ANOTHER remix ! "
pennanddpaperr .
if i had a dollar for every time i heard this line i would be one rich motha. the number of women that lie about this subject is too outrageous to not feel compelled to say "girl quit lying !" or at the least think your own personal thought or two. i understand that it is a personal subject but some of you females suck so much dick yal should walk around on your knees ! its okay if you do or don't, but why lie? when did pleasing our partners become this shameful act that people are afraid to admit and talk about. its not IF you do, its who you do it with that matters. you cant do the damn thing with everybody because not everybody is safe and clean ! And what you wont do, another woman will. Remember that.
i have never came across a woman that didn't like sex. weather it was intercourse, anal. or oral she partook in it and enjoyed it. what person doesn't? its like music, its universal, but unlike music woman are not lying about how many different artists they listen to but instead how many people they have done "the do" with. i don't have anything jaw dropping to say about this topic because i understand that by being a women we are looked at differently from men when the number of partners we have had exceed a certain number. its not right to lie but what is a woman to do when most men will quickly be disgusted and quicker disregard her of being anything worth giving respect and time to. personally i say SCREW EM ! dont be ashamed because you like to get it in. hell, if men where on their jobs in that department we wouldnt feel the need to change partners. hmph!
you feel the need to validate the person you are and you are rocking a fake Louie, Gucci, or Coach. who do you think you are fooling? what woman does not follow fashion and can spot one quicker than a broke man. you feel completely self conscious while out flaunting it and as soon as you see someone with a possible real one, you just want to hide under a rock and go back to when you stuffed all your personals into that bag. why put yourself through the torture? save up for the real bag and DON'T lie when people ask. havent we not learned anything from Sex and The City?
sure you don't. and as soon as i get close enough to you i see pressed powder and foundation marks. i don't knock makeup. i love it ! but women, yal need to quit talking about i don't wear makeup and this is natural when you know you a natural lie. threes not many people in this world that don't wear makeup weather it varies from a little to alot. even the most beautiful women on television wear makeup and A LOT more than we all would have thought. makeup isn't intended to be something we hide behind but to give us a confidence boost, to enhance what we already have, and to give us what we all love : choices.
i was young, well younger once upon a time and their is always that one guy that is older than you. you don't think he notices you so you lie about your age so he will take you more serious. lol kids. and now as we age their tends to be a younger guy you want to take you serious and you lie about being younger. woah ! what the fizzle ! i have seen both being done and it makes me wonder, why ? we age ourselves to be younger or older and most of the time we end up being called liars when found out and alone in the end because the jerk wasn't even worth the initial lie. we should feel comfortable at whatever age we are and it should not be a problem because feelings don't have a age limit. men want the "PYT" but later complain about the lack of maturity. then they want the "older woman" but very rarely know what to do with her or how to survive in a more mature relationship, so screw them ! they cant even decide what they want.
i don't know what it is about weaves but females become big time liars when they get them. they flaunt em like they grew the shit themselves and didn't just go to the local beauty supply store and have a home girl sew it in. some weaves do be nice, no lie. Ive never had one but they can transform a person and give a woman confidence which is always beautiful, but when you come in contact with those one brawds that just feel like you cant tell them shit because they know they look good, it makes me want to shake the glue, thread, or whatever else they have in their heads out of em. you just had a short brown bob the other day and now you walking around acting like you Naomi Campbell with long luxurious locks. who are you fooling? i ain't hating, I'm mixed with good hair, just don't be making yourself look stupid when everybody and their mamas can see "that ain't you".
yal kill me when yal say these words and i just saw you the other night hugging all up on your so called "friend". its not impossible to have male platonic friendships but if that's what you are claiming, then at least be telling the truth. you bring him around saying hes just your friend, trying to hook him up with another friend, and later that night tieing up his phone line and playing "overprotective" when another female is making a move. either make it official or do it wiggling because sooner or later you are going to have to face the light. something happens to the "arrangement" and yal quit hanging so tough, itll only be obvious yal "broke up."
all i am going to say is "Wear proper fitting clothes" . everything that looks good on "barbie" isn't going to look good on you girl ! everybody is different and have different body types. you have bigger stomach - get a bigger shirt ! you have a bigger butt - get some bigger pants ! why must you walk around looking like a pregnant Mexican ! get it together because the shit is NOT cute and nobody wants someone looking all sloppy and bloated.
any who, that's just some of the things that women lie about that bother me. feel free to quit following me now. ( :
pennanddpaperr .
so i came across the new CB video and of course on YouTube there is a plethora of different opinions, but since this is Blogger i am free to say what i want without all the scrutiny.
i personally think Chris did his thang and that people are being way to harsh on him by saying it was " wack " "weak " and " he needs to give it up " . i mean lets be real, if he had never did what he did to Rihanna everybody would still be hanging from his nut sac ! sure what he did wasn't cool, but people make mistakes and if they were both just regular people NOT in the spotlight it wouldn't have got the publicity it did nor would any of us had gave it a second thought. he is still a very talented artist aside from his personal choices made and the song was good. i don't think he should give it up or just quit. he is way to talented and was one of the biggest young stars in the industry before that incident with him and Rihanna took place. suddenly because he loses control and shows hes actually human and not some perfect polished plaything nobody likes him or his music ? pathetic.
pennanddpaperr .
the CORRECT way :
now whether or not i talk to you from that point is unknown but that's the ONLY way you can even think to get conversation let alone a "phone number" from me.
but anyway we went to ihop - i was hungry. was talking about all the events of the day when 2 really cute guys walk in.
guy 1 : milk chocolate - NOT dark , 6'1'' , tapered fade, nice teeth, green eyes, seemingly athletic build, and a great smile ! (african american, french)
guy 2 : honey brown, 6'3", lined up curls, dimples, muscular, great style, sexy smile, and something about his eyes ! (puerto rican, black, and asian )
now we're sitting in ihop at 12:30 at night so you can pretty much choose wherever you want to sit. they sit across the restaurant from us but still in our vision and obviously theirs. i of course ignore them. really don't care how "cute" they are, while my cousin occasionally glances at them a few times. after laughing at some of the ridiculous comments my cousin makes i excuse myself and go to the bathroom. when i come back what do you know, guy 1 is sitting at our table. i walk up and I'm like umm why is this fool eating off my plate ? before i could say a word he politely says :
" I'm sorry about being in your seat but i wanted to talk to your cousin and my friend wanted to talk to you . " did he say my friend ?! grrrr. " The plate switching was both our ideas and I'm sorry if it was too forward . if you're not okay with it i can go back to my table, although i was loving the company of your cousin very much ." woah ! how could i even be mad at him after saying words like that ? and his boy ? yum ! i just smile, because for once some bowdy has left me speechless. i approach the table of his friend and before i could say anything he asks " would you rather sit in the chair or on the booth side ? i wouldn't mind switching with you ." i politely decline and say the chair is fine and start to sit down, of course after him pulling out my chair 1st !
i hear marriage bells ! just kidding peeps.
so we eat together, both liking a lot of the same things like sports, genres of music, movies, actors/actresses, cars, and writers. i find out he is a 20 year old son of a air force veteran and a realtor, he has 1 older brother and 1 younger brother, he works for Sticky Rice Bistro - great restaurant, and drives a really nice 08 black on black infinite. hes single, has no kids, and goes to church. did i mention he wants to go back to school so he can study and become a director .
the time had come to say goodbye and as i reach for my purse he says " its already been taken care of ." now either i just hit the jackpot or this guy is a real well disguised asshole that will be surely getting cussed out and kicked to the curb in the near future after he REALLY shows his ass. but lets not jump to any conclusions yet. : )
he offers us a ride home, but mama didn't raise no fool and we decline. as we walk home i get a text message saying " i hope you don't mind but i considered this our 1st date. cant wait for the next."
hm. ♥
there are people in this world that count calories and a co-worker of mine is one of them . today she was in the break room with all her toppings to make a salad talking about how many calories she would be digesting if she was eating In & Out burger .
-I'm eating In & Out Burger.-
how instead of eating processed cow parts she has grilled chicken.
im eating processed cow parts. - stops chewing, looks at burger -
instead of "secret sauce" she has low fat ranch .
- wipes "secret sauce" from lips -.
does anybody else want to kick her in the throat ?! as i watch her thoroughly enjoying her salad and ruining my lunch, i get up from the table while taking a sip of pink lemonade. i savor the sweet tangy taste on my tongue and dump the rest on my co - workers head. i grab a handful of her "healthy" salad and smash it in her face and begin to explain to her that it does not matter what you eat as long as you burn the calories off. that if she was going to put loads of ranch, practically a whole chicken, more than "bits" of bacon, and realistically a bun worth of croutons she should have just had In & Out like other "great looking" Americans that eat In & Out for lunch.
Gwen you have a call on line one . - " huh ? "
" So by doing it this way, by the time i get off work i have burned these calories off and need to just have a light dinner . "
- takes another bite of burger and throws it in the trash-
I'm suppose to be on a diet . -_-
pennanddpaper .
used to be "bangin" or really long, and naturally curly . in fact many loved my hair and never failed to mention it or how they wished they possesed the same . cool, thanks. but i got sick and tired of being defined by it. guys " id love to pull on it ." really, was that suppose to make me want you ? girls " omg ! i love your hair . i wish my hair was like that. " why ? be happy with what you have . i think people put to much emphasis on what "good hair" is and it can really become ridiculously time consuming to everyday try looking like everybody else. your hair is naturally curly, why are you spending hours straightening it. your hair is straight, why are you buying loads of hair products and a diffuser to get it curly. now I'm not saying don't switch it up sometime, hey we all need a change, and im definately one ALL for change. I'm saying be happy with what you have and don't put so much emphasis on what you don't. if you have "nappy", long, short, curly, straight, frizzy, whatever kind of hair work it ! its yours and you are beautiful . : )
me being mixed with everything under the sun, 12 nationalities, and one being part Samoan i have a big head. yes, i can admit it. my head is round, wide, and with a point to my chin. ( Kat Deluna facial structure. ) i grew up with people calling me names like big head and water head. even my nephew still cracks jokes about my head to this day, but its all good. i love my big head. its filled with knowledge, great memories, amazing ideas, endless stories, and poetry that comes to life. i have a heart shaped face. the face of love .
as i have matured from a little girl to a young woman i have always battled eczema. i have had it on the back of my neck, the inner bend of my elbows, and around my mouth. the outbreaks i would get on the back of my neck and inner bend of my elbows came and went fairly unnoticed but the eczema around my mouth was just awful. when i was younger i didn't know how to care for it properly and me being very young and active, my mom couldn't keep up with me long enough to try to either lol. when i reached 6th grade and on up through middle school i got picked on and teased. i would cry about it and ask god to please just take it away. it was hard to deal with and it caused me alot of pain and discomfort both physically and emotionally. it also left me with alot of self esteem issues about my appearance. leaving dark discoloration on the top of my lip and the two corners. now at 18 it is has cleared up substantially but i still live in fear of it coming back so i make sure to apply cortizone cream 2 to 3 times a day.
I'm not one of those skinny, salad chomping chicks that fit in size 3 jeans and small shirts. not knocking salads because i love em ! or "petite" woman. please dont try making this about you because i am in no way attacking you guys . ♥ . i eat. i love to eat ! and i don't appreciate men that can call me fat or any other woman fat because we're not model size. i have curves. i have hips. i have breasts. and i have booty. 36-28-36 thank you. and anybody that is in the "thick" or "curvy" category should know its not exactly easy to keep the shape, especially if you want it to look good. a few too many good meals and no exercise or activity will have you floating between "thick" and a question mark .
i grew up not understanding that i was womanly before my time and hating my body because it developed quicker than the other girls my age. i hate hearing younger girls that are battling eating disorders and personal image issues because of what their friends look like or what society is pushing as "normal ." sweetheart its NOT normal to kill yourself to become a size that your not meant to be let alone will ever achieve because its not in your genetic makeup. learn to love and be happy with yourself. there is always gong to be somebody smaller and bigger than you.
i like to think i have nice feet. not gorgeous or foot model kina feet but presentable pretty feet with cute toes. BUT i do have one *perfection. my big toes. there not exactly small and there not exactly in proportion to my other toes but i still wear sandals, my peep toe stilettos, and always running around barefoot because my imperfections are what i love so much about myself. i mean what is a bigger big toe compared to a beautiful personality? its not ginormous ! lol so don't think that but it is a *perfection.
ever since i was younger my teeth have always been short and small. my family have been quoted saying " for the longest we never thought your teeth was going to grow. they just looked like somebody sawed them off " lol geez tell me how you really feel guys ! i don't have any chipped teeth or missing teeth but i do have a few small spaces between my teeth and they are still "little" but i still smile big, laugh loud, and carry on conversations like its nobodys business . : D
aren't tiny or small. they are full and proportioned with 3 or 4 beauty marks on them. i dont have lips for pecks. i have lips for kisses. deep, passionate, hold my face type of kisses. people have and probably do laugh and talk about them but I'm one of many who don't need collagen injections. so who laughs now ? : )
so yea, here are some of my *perfections . we are all human, no one of us alike and it was about time somebody stepped up and told the truth . so evaluate yourself and pick out the things that just need a little more love than others. ♥
pennanddpaperr .