on this man right here . yep . its been going on for quite some time and has yet to waver . while all the Bow Wow and Trey Songz fever is still going strong so is mine for F A B . weather its the fact he has yet to fix his chipped tooth or his laid back, type chill demeanor in addition to his undeniable flow hes made a fan out of me and been my choice for "Who Id Date If I Was In The Industry." hey a girl can dream . ♥
...I've always wondered why he's never fixed that tooth! lol
...so, now that I know your new bf is Fab, I'll introduce you to mine (Wale) one day! we can all talk over dinner maybe? I WISH!
I know many people who crush on him still. He's cute..I like his voice!
Finally... I can come out... I wondered why noone else got it. FAB is fiiine... And so smooth... Well at least with the flow... Musicians and their music can be completely opposite things. Case in point Player Trey Songz versus Love songs Trey Songz... smh at that dude... Fine too, though... I digress...
Love your blog. Funny and charming at the same time... Will definitely be coming back :)
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