Wednesday, April 28

My Pullback .

When I love
I love hard
I will always love and get hurt
But that is my weakness
That is my pullback

When I love
I love hard
I believe in true love
I believe it's too good to be true
But that is my weakness
That is my pullback

When I love
I love hard
I endure most of your hurt
I take it and i consume it
So you won't have too
But that is my weakness
That is my pullback

When I love
I love hard
I would wait
But I would die a bit each day
So you won't have too
But that is my weakness
That is my pullback

My pullback is you.



JStar said...

Gwen, I feel you here...I do this, carry others burdens as my own...I love with ever fiber in my being...I just hate the hurt, and at times let it hold me back from loving again...This was beautifully written :)

Shay said...

That damn love is a dangerous feeling sometimes I tell ya ! Lol . But I loved this poem .

Don said...


Love this @ When I love
I love hard
I endure most of your hurt
I take it and i consume it
So you won't have too

I feel you.